
Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun!

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\ nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from th e\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and frien ds\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists toget her.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspirat ion.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Ability: all ages\, fa milies\nencouraged to attend together

Ketchum Afte rnoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at the Sun Valley Museum of Art.
< p>Afternoon\nArt is offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each month a nd in Hailey\non the second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended fo r families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and l ocation.




P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun!

Afternoon Art i s a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. F amilies and friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Abili ty: all ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together

Ketchum Afternoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at the Sun Valley Muse um of Art.

Afternoon\nArt is offered in Ketchum on the first Frida y of each month and in Hailey\non the second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and a re recommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.




Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun!

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\ nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from th e\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and frien ds\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists toget her.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspirat ion.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Ability: all ages\, fa milies\nencouraged to attend together

Ketchum Afte rnoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at the Sun Valley Museum of Art.
< p>Afternoon\nArt is offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each month a nd in Hailey\non the second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended fo r families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and l ocation.




P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun!

Afternoon Art i s a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. F amilies and friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Abili ty: all ages\, families\nencouraged to attend together

Ketchum Afternoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at the Sun Valley Muse um of Art.

Afternoon\nArt is offered in Ketchum on the first Frida y of each month and in Hailey\non the second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and a re recommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.



CATEGORIES:Youth & Families,Community DTSTAMP:20241118T102525Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:673b78850799c DTSTART:20241107T073000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:The Museum SUMMARY:ART CLUB: Portraiture in the 21st Century CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

Join SVMoA for a session in a series of\nconversations about portraiture in the 21st century. How are\ncontemporary artists approaching the genre of portraiture in new and\ninnovative ways? How can portraits e xpress not just the identity of the\nsitter but larger ideas reflecting th e time and place in which they are\nmade? On November 6\, we will focus on the work of painter Amy\nSherald.

Art Club happens\nmonthly at the Museum.


Join SVMoA for a session in a series of\nconversations about portraiture in the 21st century. How are\ncontemporary ar tists approaching the genre of portraiture in new and\ninnovative ways? Ho w can portraits express not just the identity of the\nsitter but larger id eas reflecting the time and place in which they are\nmade? On November 6\, we will focus on the work of painter Amy\nSherald.

Art Club happens\nmonthly at the Museum.


Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! 

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\nopportun ity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum 's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and friends\nare e ncouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPer fect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nPro jects will vary.

Age &amp\; Ability: all ages\, families\ne ncouraged to attend together

Hailey Afternoon Art\ nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at SVMoA's Hailey Classroom.

Afternoon Ar t\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each month and in Hailey o n\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended for families wit h\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.

< hr\n/>

P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! 

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families a nd friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artis ts together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Ability: all a ges\, families\nencouraged to attend together

Hail ey Afternoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at SVMoA's Hailey Classroom.

Afternoon Art\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each mont h and in Hailey on\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates an d location.

CATEGORIES:Youth & Families,Community DTSTAMP:20241118T102525Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:673b788507abd DTSTART:20241109T033000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:

Play\, create\,\nd iscover\, and have fun! 

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\nopportun ity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum 's current exhibition and create works of art. Families and friends\nare e ncouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artists together.\nPer fect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nPro jects will vary.

Age &amp\; Ability: all ages\, families\ne ncouraged to attend together

Hailey Afternoon Art\ nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at SVMoA's Hailey Classroom.

Afternoon Ar t\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each month and in Hailey o n\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended for families wit h\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates and location.

< hr\n/>

P lay\, create\,\ndiscover\, and have fun! 

Afternoon Art is a free drop-in\nopportunity for community members of all ages to explore concepts from the\nMuseum's current exhibition and create works of art. Families a nd friends\nare encouraged to communicate\, reflect\, and produce as artis ts together.\nPerfect for art lovers\, curious minds\, and anyone seeking inspiration.\nProjects will vary.

Age &amp\; Ability: all a ges\, families\nencouraged to attend together

Hail ey Afternoon Art\nruns from 1:30–4:30pm at SVMoA's Hailey Classroom.

Afternoon Art\nis offered in Ketchum on the first Friday of each mont h and in Hailey on\nthe second Friday from 1:30-4:30pm and are recommended for families with\nchildren of all ages. Please be sure to check dates an d location.

CATEGORIES:Youth & Families,Community DTSTAMP:20241118T102525Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:673b788507b4c DTSTART:20241109T070000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:

Join artist\nLauri e Shapiro for an evening of screen printing on both fabric and paper.\nScr een printing is a versatile and accessible technique that allows for a\nwi de range of design possibilities. Practice silk screening with premade\nde signs\, and learn the cut paper technique to create your own designs.\nSVM oA will provide cotton bags and long-sleeved t-shirts to print on\, but\nt eens are encouraged to bring their own ideas\, fabrics and materials. Leav e\nthe workshop with your unique creations.


Laurie Shapiro creates immersive dreamscapes based on\nintercon nectivity\, intuitive listening\, and oneness with nature. She\nreceived a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University and has exhibited in solo\nand group shows nationwide. Various institutions have commissioned and\nshown Shapir o’s artwork\, including the Dyer Arts Center\, San Diego Museum\nof Art\ , Otherworld\, Weedmaps\, and Walter Studios. Shapiro has completed\nartis t residencies at the American Academy in Rome\, the Kala Art Institute\,\n and the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles. She has been awarded\nseve ral grants\, and her work can be found in public and private\ncollections\ , including the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles\, Bilkent\nUniversi ty and Otherworld.

No experience necessary. Open\nto all students grades 6-12. 

Teen Workshop takes\nplace fr om 5–7pm.

Free! Registration encouraged\, drop-ins\nwelc ome!


    J oin artist\nLaurie Shapiro for an evening of screen printing on both fabri c and paper.\nScreen printing is a versatile and accessible technique that allows for a\nwide range of design possibilities. Practice silk screening with premade\ndesigns\, and learn the cut paper technique to create your own designs.\nSVMoA will provide cotton bags and long-sleeved t-shirts to print on\, but\nteens are encouraged to bring their own ideas\, fabrics an d materials. Leave\nthe workshop with your unique creations.


    Laurie Shapiro creates immersive dreamscapes b ased on\ninterconnectivity\, intuitive listening\, and oneness with nature . She\nreceived a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University and has exhibited in solo\nand group shows nationwide. Various institutions have commissioned and\nshown Shapiro’s artwork\, including the Dyer Arts Center\, San Dieg o Museum\nof Art\, Otherworld\, Weedmaps\, and Walter Studios. Shapiro has completed\nartist residencies at the American Academy in Rome\, the Kala Art Institute\,\nand the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles. She has b een awarded\nseveral grants\, and her work can be found in public and priv ate\ncollections\, including the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles\, Bilkent\nUniversity and Otherworld.

    No experience necess ary. Open\nto all students grades 6-12. 

    Teen Worksho p takes\nplace from 5–7pm.

    Free! Registration encouraged \, drop-ins\nwelcome!

      Argyros Performin g Arts\nCenter SUMMARY:LECTURE: An Evening with David Sedaris CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

      David Sedaris is\n one of America’s pre-eminent humor writers. He is a master of satire and \none of today’s most observant writers. Beloved for his personal essays \nand short stories\, David Sedaris is the author of the New York Time s\nbestsellers Barrel Fever\, Holidays on Ice\,\nNaked\, Me Talk Pretty One Day\, Dress Your Family in\ nCorduroy and Denim\, When You Are Engulfed in Flames\,\ nLet’s Explore Diabetes with Owls\, and Calypso.


      S edaris has been nominated for five Grammy Awards for Best Spoken Word\nand Best Comedy Album. There are over 16 million copies of his books in\nprin t\, and they have been translated into 32 languages. He has been awarded\n the Terry Southern Prize for Humor\, Thurber Prize for American Humor\,\nJ onathan Swift International Literature Prize for Satire and Humor\, Time\n 2001 Humorist of the Year Award\, as well as the Medal for Spoken Language \nfrom the American Academy of Arts and Letters. In March 2019 he was elec ted\nas a member into the American Academy of Arts and Letters. In 2020 th e New\nYork Public Library voted Me Talk Pretty One Day one of th e 125\nmost important books of the last 125 years.




      D avid Sedaris is\none of America’s pre-eminent humor writers. He is a mas ter of satire and\none of today’s most observant writers. Beloved for hi s personal essays\nand short stories\, David Sedaris is the author of the New York Times\nbestsellers Barrel Fever\, Holidays on Ice\,\nNaked\, Me Talk Pretty One Day\, Dres s Your Family in\nCorduroy and Denim\, When You Are Engulfed in F lames\,\nLet’s Explore Diabetes with Owls\, and Calyps o.


      Sedaris has been nominated for five Grammy Awards for Best Spoken Word\nand Best Comedy Album. There are over 16 million copies of h is books in\nprint\, and they have been translated into 32 languages. He h as been awarded\nthe Terry Southern Prize for Humor\, Thurber Prize for Am erican Humor\,\nJonathan Swift International Literature Prize for Satire a nd Humor\, Time\n2001 Humorist of the Year Award\, as well as the Medal fo r Spoken Language\nfrom the American Academy of Arts and Letters. In March 2019 he was elected\nas a member into the American Academy of Arts and Le tters. In 2020 the New\nYork Public Library voted Me Talk Pretty One D ay one of the 125\nmost important books of the last 125 years.




      Use this\nopportun ity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environment while\ndrawi ng directly from the human figure. A model will hold a variety of\nposes t hroughout the 2-hour session. All skill levels are welcome.


      Br ing your own supplies\; drawing boards will be provided.


      Age &amp\; ability: 18+\, all skill levels welcome!

      The class takes place from 6–8pm.

      Fall 2024\nOpen Studio Sessions:
      • Tue\, Nov 12\, 6-8pm
      • Tue\, Dec\n1 0\, 6-8pm

      (register for each Open Studio\nsession/ date individually)


      Participants under 18 years of age need to\nprovide a Model Consent Waiv er signed by their guardian:
      SVMoA Model Consent Waiv er Form


      Interested in ga ining experience\nas a figure drawing model?

      To learn more\nabout the job description and training\, please emai l us at




      U se this\nopportunity to hone technical drawing skills in a relaxed environ ment while\ndrawing directly from the human figure. A model will hold a va riety of\nposes throughout the 2-hour session. All skill levels are welcom e.


      Bring your own supplies\; drawing boards will be provided.< /em>


      Age &amp\; ability: 18+\, all skill levels welcome!

      The class takes place from 6–8pm.

      Fall 2024\nOpen Studio Sessions:
      • Tue\, Nov 12\, 6-8pm
      • Tue\, Dec\n10\, 6-8pm

      (register for each Open Studio\nsession/date individually)

      < /div> \,\n

      Participants under 18 years of age need to\nprovide a M odel Consent Waiver signed by their guardian:
      < /div> \,


      Interested in gaining experience\nas a figure drawing model?

      To learn more\nabout the job description and train ing\, please email us at informa




      Calling all\nteach ers! Join SVMoA for the first Educator Evening of the school year\, a\ncon versation about thematic\, inquiry-driven\, process-oriented\, playful\,\n collaborative\, and interdisciplinary strategies of contemporary artists.\ nExplore ways that educators and students might think and work like artist s\nand engage in creative and critical thinking across subjects and\ndisci plines.

      This event takes place from 5–7pm at the\nMuseum in Ketchum.

      About SVMoA Educator Evenings

      Open to educators of all subject areas\, Educator Evening is a FREE\nprofessional development series occurring monthly. Blaine County educators\nmay receiv e in-service (continuing education) hours for their\nparticipation. SVMoA shares the names of those BCSD educators who\nparticipate with the school district office for in-service district hours.\nJoin educators\, visiting artists\, and Museum staff for in-person\npresentations\, discussion\, and activity based on current exhibitions at\nSVMoA and connections to the Na tional Core Arts Standards and Idaho Content\nStandards. Develop curricula r connections and gain tools\, strategies\, and\nthinking routines for int egrating art and objects into everyday classroom\nlearning. Participate in a professional learning community of supportive\nand reflective education al practitioners\, and have some fun!

        < li>Art integration vs. Art enhancement
      • Art and\nCurriculum Connec tions
      • Strategies for engaging students in\ndialogue around artwor k and objects
      • Resources to develop knowledge\nof and expanded per spectives about contemporary art\, artists\, themes
      • \n



      C alling all\nteachers! Join SVMoA for the first Educator Evening of the sch ool year\, a\nconversation about thematic\, inquiry-driven\, process-orien ted\, playful\,\ncollaborative\, and interdisciplinary strategies of conte mporary artists.\nExplore ways that educators and students might think and work like artists\nand engage in creative and critical thinking across su bjects and\ndisciplines.

      This event takes place from 5–7p m at the\nMuseum in Ketchum.

      About SVMoA Educator Evenings

      Open to educators of all subject areas\, Educator Evening is a F REE\nprofessional development series occurring monthly. Blaine County educ ators\nmay receive in-service (continuing education) hours for their\npart icipation. SVMoA shares the names of those BCSD educators who\nparticipate with the school district office for in-service district hours.\nJoin educ ators\, visiting artists\, and Museum staff for in-person\npresentations\, discussion\, and activity based on current exhibitions at\nSVMoA and conn ections to the National Core Arts Standards and Idaho Content\nStandards. Develop curricular connections and gain tools\, strategies\, and\nthinking routines for integrating art and objects into everyday classroom\nlearnin g. Participate in a professional learning community of supportive\nand ref lective educational practitioners\, and have some fun!

      Topics\ninc lude:
      • Art integration vs. Art enhancement
      • Art and\n Curriculum Connections
      • Strategies for engaging students in\ndialo gue around artwork and objects
      • Resources to develop knowledge\nof and expanded perspectives about contemporary art\, artists\, themes
      • \ n



      Join SVMoA's\ncura tors for a tour of In Conversation: Will\nWilson and Portra its of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes\, Past &amp\;\nPresent.

      This event takes place from\n5:30–6:30pm.

      Part of S VMoA’s exhibitions In\nConversation: Will Wilson and Portraits of the\nShoshone-Bannock Tribes\, Past &amp\; Present

      In Conversation: Will Wilson was curated by Mindy\nBesaw\, Curator of American Art/Di rector of Fellowships &amp\; Research from\nCrystal Bridges\, and Ashley H olland\, Associate Curator from Art\nBridges
      In Conversation: Will Wilson is\norganized by
      Cry stal Bridges Museum of American Art 
      Support provided by Art Bridges

       < /p>


      J oin SVMoA's\ncurators for a tour of In Conversation: Will\nWilson and Portraits of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes\, Past &amp\;\nPresent .

      This event takes place from\n5:30–6:30pm.

      Part of SVMoA’s exhibitions In\nConversation: Will W ilson and Portraits of the\nShoshone-Bannock Tri bes\, Past &amp\; Present

      In Conversation: Will Wilson was curated by Mindy\nBesaw\, Curator o f American Art/Director of Fellowships &amp\; Research from\nCrystal Bridg es\, and Ashley Holland\, Associate Curator from Art\nBridges
      In Conversation: Will Wilson is\norgan ized by
      Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art 
      Support provided by Art Bridges


      CATEGORIES:Exhibition Tours & Events,Lectures & Talks DTSTAMP:20241118T102525Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:673b788507f77 DTSTART:20241122T073000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE LOCATION:The Museum SUMMARY:EVENING EXHIBITION TOUR: In Conversation: Will Wilson CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:

      Join SVMoA's\ncura tors for a tour of In Conversation: Will\nWilson and Portra its of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes\, Past &amp\;\nPresent.

      This event takes place from\n5:30–6:30pm.

      Part of S VMoA’s exhibitions In\nConversation: Will Wilson and Portraits of the\nShoshone-Bannock Tribes\, Past &amp\; Present

      In Conversation: Will Wilson was curated by Mindy\nBesaw\, Curator of American Art/Di rector of Fellowships &amp\; Research from\nCrystal Bridges\, and Ashley H olland\, Associate Curator from Art\nBridges
      In Conversation: Will Wilson is\norganized by
      Cry stal Bridges Museum of American Art 
      Support provided by Art Bridges

       < /p>


      J oin SVMoA's\ncurators for a tour of In Conversation: Will\nWilson and Portraits of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes\, Past &amp\;\nPresent .

      This event takes place from\n5:30–6:30pm.

      Part of SVMoA’s exhibitions In\nConversation: Will W ilson and Portraits of the\nShoshone-Bannock Tri bes\, Past &amp\; Present

      In Conversation: Will Wilson was curated by Mindy\nBesaw\, Curator o f American Art/Director of Fellowships &amp\; Research from\nCrystal Bridg es\, and Ashley Holland\, Associate Curator from Art\nBridges
      In Conversation: Will Wilson is\norgan ized by
      Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art 
      Support provided by Art Bridges


      CATEGORIES:Exhibition Tours & Events,Lectures & Talks DTSTAMP:20241118T102525Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR